I am a fresh community member. I can't find a fundamental information for my design in the documentation (unless I use wrong wording). My discrete choice experiment (DCE) is about analyzing preferences of car-sharing users and non-users. The important point is the status quo option (important in DCE) which depends on your initial transport mode (e.g. bike, public transport, private car, etc). So below is a list of my interrogations in order.
1- I would like to have a status quo option (not an opt-out or "none of these" option) in the experiment. Is that possible to implement it in JMP? How? I can't find a tutorial on that. Maybe I am not using the correct vocabulary, then what is the wording in JMP to talk about "status quo" option? Does it have to do with "disallowed combinations"? Then how can I specify my status quo with this type of command?
2- Assuming, it is possible to implement a status quo option in JMP, is it possible to make it vary according to a preliminary answer that respondents give? E.g. in a preliminary question "what is your current transport mode", if the respondent answers "private/own car" then How do I make the choice set conditional to this answer (i.e. the respondent would then be presented different options from the private car status quo option)? If I don't make it conditional, then I may end up with a choice set like the following: 1) private car, 2) car-sharing and 3) status quo = private car (again...). The respondent would choose between two private car options in that case...
3- Assuming, it is possible to implement a status quo option in JMP and make it individual-specific, is it possible to go further and specify the levels of each attribute in the status quo option ? E.g. if the individual answered that her current transport mode is "private car" and that it costs her ""XXX $"" much per month (attribute COST) and has ""electric"" engine (attribute ENGINE), is it possible to implement these individual-specific attribute levels (""XXX $"" and ""electric"") in the status quo option? (or only possible to label the status quo "private car" with no choice/display of the levels). This question is pretty much linked to question 2. I really think that providing a status quo option with the real data of each respondent is the best I could implement.
4- Assuming it is too complicated to do this (questions 2 and/or 3), what would be an alternative for my experiment using JMP? Any suggestion or indication in the documentation? (opt out option? forcing choice between two alternatives whatever the status quo? I think these two suggestions make me lose some info unfortunately).
Many thanks for your help!