I am analyzing a set of data about graph performance. I am comparing surface graphs with non surface graphs. In this analysis I have two tasks, A and B. I'm measuring the absloute difference (=participant's answer-correct answer).
ABSDifference is ranging from 0 to 100. Its distribution is like a half normal distribution.
To analyze this dataset, I used Fit Model, ABS differnce as Y by Graph and Taskusing full factorial. Personality is standard least square.
I got the following results:
Analysis of Variance:
Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio
Model 3 4367.12 1455.71 4.1790
Error 2204 767740.17 348.34 Prob > F
C. Total 2207 772107.29 0.0058
Parameter Estimates
Term Estimate Std Error t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept 21.439143 0.48646 44.07 <.0001
SUR[1] 0.3552453 0.48646 0.73 0.4653
Task[A] 0.4607602 0.48646 0.95 0.3437
SUR[1]*Task[A] -1.052311 0.48646 -2.16 0.0306
Indicator Function Parameterization
Term Estimate Std Error DFDen t Ratio Prob>|t|
Intercept 19.570827 0.561716 2204.0 34.84 <.0001
SUR[1] 2.8151123 1.123432 2204.0 2.51 0.0123
Task[A] 3.0261421 0.972921 2204.0 3.11 0.0019
SUR[1]*Task[A] -4.209243 1.945841 2204.0 -2.16 0.0306
Least Squares Means Table
Level Least Sq Mean Std Error
1,A 21.202838 1.3759176
1,B 22.385939 0.9729207
0,A 22.596969 0.7943864
0,B 19.570827 0.5617160
The interaction profiles that jmp gives me is based on Least Squares Means Table.
Now my questions are:
1- I'm confused between Parameter estimates and the indicator function parameterization. Which table should I report?
2- why the least squares means table is based on the intercept of indicator function parameterization and not the parameter estimates?
3- How can I get interaction plot basd on on the data in the Parameter Estimates?