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how to calculate yield for many columns with embedded spec limits

Level V


I have over 60 columns where individual spec limits are embeded in column properties. I like to calculate the yield for each row as Pass/Fail. I appreciate any script that will do this. I checked the JMP discussion and found one script that does yield but each columns is assumed to be pass or fail (1 or 0). Thanks

Level IV

Re: how to calculate yield for many columns with embedded spec limits

Thanks, can't wait to test it out!

Level I

Re: how to calculate yield for many columns with embedded spec limits



This script has been in the forum for quite a while. I like it, and for 50 or 60 columns it works well. I recently attempted to yield a set of PCM test structures where I have well over 1000 columns. I found the MIN() formula seems to be breaking. Do you have any idea on column limits or other variable limits that may be limiting how many arguments i can use in the formula? Your thoughts would be appreciated




Level V

Re: how to calculate yield for many columns with embedded spec limits

Thanks Jim. I ran the script and ColNamesList is not defined and got an error. The yield table is created.

Super User

Re: how to calculate yield for many columns with embedded spec limits

My error, add this line

colNamesList={"Parm 1","Parm 2"};

before the setPassFail Function definition.

Level V

Re: how to calculate yield for many columns with embedded spec limits

Thanks Jim. It works now. This is a great script. It can be generalized to many columns. I will play with it more. Thanks again.

Level I

Re: how to calculate yield for many columns with embedded spec limits

@txnelson ,

This script is proving very useful. Thanks. Found one thing that I have not been able to correct myself yet. If there is a missing value the script marks it as a pass when it inverts the selection and assigns a value of 1. I'd prefer it to assign "Missing" but everything I've tried is coming up short.

Level I

Re: how to calculate yield for many columns with embedded spec limits

This script will asign "Missing" in the final "Row Pass/Fail" column if 1 or more values are missing.


foundCols = "";

// Loop across the columns and generate the test pass/fails
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( colList ), i++,
	spec = Column( EVALdt, colList[i] ) << get property( "Spec Limits" );
	EVALdt << clear select;
	If( Is Empty( spec ) == 0,
		EVALdt << New Column( (Column( EVALdt, colList[i] ) << get name) || " Pass/Fail" );
		If( Is Missing( Try( spec["LSL"], . ) ) == 0,
			EVALdt << select where( As Column( EVALdt, colList[i] ) < spec["LSL"] );
			Try( Column( EVALdt, N Cols( EVALdt ) )[EVALdt << get selected rows] = 0 );
		If( Is Missing( Try( spec["USL"], . ) ) == 0,
			EVALdt << select where( As Column( EVALdt, colList[i] ) > spec["USL"], current selection( "extend" ) );
			Try( Column( EVALdt, N Cols( EVALdt ) )[EVALdt << get selected rows] = 0 );
		EVALdt << select where( IsMissing( As Column( EVALdt, colList[i] ) ), current selection( "extend" ) );
		EVALdt << invert row selection;
		Try( Column( EVALdt, N Cols( EVALdt ) )[EVALdt << get selected rows] = 1 );
		Column( EVALdt, N Cols( EVALdt ) ) << set property( "Value Labels", {0 = "Fail", 1 = "Pass"} );
		If( foundCols == "",
			foundCols = ":Name(\!"" || (Column( EVALdt, colList[i] ) << get name) || " Pass/Fail\!")",
			foundCols = foundCols || ", " || ":Name(\!"" || (Column( EVALdt, colList[i] ) << get name) || " Pass/Fail\!")"

// Create the Row Missing/Pass/Fail
Eval( Parse( "EVALdt << New Column( \!"Row Pass/Fail\!", formula( If( N Missing("||foundCols||") > 1, \!"Missing\!", Min(" || foundCols || " ) == 1, \!"Pass\!", \!"Fail\!" ) ))" ) );
Level V

Re: how to calculate yield for many columns with embedded spec limits

Great script, very helpful.  Wondering if this could be adapted to add a 3rd category where the data is missing?

