want to be able to perform standard set of life distribution analyses on a custom three parameter life distribution ... how do I configure platform to have an additional life distribution to show up along with standard list of Weibull, Exponential, Lognormal, DS Weibull, etc
the CDF for this life distribution is given by
F(t|p,a,y) = 1 - exp(p*exp(-t/a)-yt-p)
or expressed equivalently
F(t|a,y,x) = 1 - exp(ax*exp(-t/a)-yt-ax)
and corresponds to a hazard function starting at failure rate (y+x) which decays exponentially with time constant a to constant failure rate y .... here, the DS proportion p=ax in the limit that y is zero
have found that for some datasets, the BIC figure of merit for this life distribution is lower than that of other early/mid bathtub curve options
would like to have life distribution platform compute the standard set of estimates, covariance matrix etc for this three-parameter life distribution