dt = current data table();
dt << subset(by(:p20000), All Rows, All Columns);
//When I subset dt by :p20000, it outputs atmost 3 data tables ‘p20000=1000’, ‘p20000=1001’, ‘p20000=1002’.
//What I do next is to check if such dt exists
exist= Try(Data Table("P20000=1002");tableExist = 1,tableExist = 0);
//if tab_1002,
tab_1002=expr(insery my long script here);
//if tab_1001,
tab_1001=expr(insert script here);
So if p20000=1002 exists, I will use the expression tab_1002,
and if p2000=1001 exists, I will use the expression tab_1001.
However there are some cases where when subsetting, only data table p20000=1000 exists.
Im confused how to do these with conditions.