You might be able to get the likelihood of the model after all.
Fit the null model (no terms except the intercept) and save the glmnet object as fit0. Fit the desired model and save it as fit1. Get the deviance for both, that is dev0=deviance(fit0) and dev1=deviance(fit1). The deviance is 2(L(saturated)-L(model)), so now you have two equations and two unknown likelihoods. The L(saturated) is common and drops out. One of the components of the fit0 and fit1 objects if the null deviance (nulldev) to help.
So you were correct earlier. That is, you can use the deviance (somewhat) directly for computing AICc. Deviance(null) - Deviance(fit) = 2(L(model)-L(null)). The L(null) is just a constant offset so the difference in deviance is a substitute for 2L(model). Hope this helps!
BTW, the package provides the deviance ratio as a measure of goodness of fit. I know that is not the same as using AICc to select the best model. Rather like using R square (bad idea).