Meanwhile I believe that I will not be able to fit a valid/reasonable model for the data.
My first approach was to generate validation column statified by Xs.
The Timeseries hint from @dale_lehman was useful, so I looked also at the data in a timeseries manner,
realizing that with time the combination of the Xes change. And here it again looks to me like "New" is different. Yes, the Xes cover the same range, but that is not enough. I think, the combination is different in "New", that means, it is a kind of extrapolation. This would be not an issue for regression, but for methods like RF this counts (model is multidimensional and highly nonlinear, so difficult to look inside).
On the other side I was not able to fit a reasonable model with any other method (neural, Boosted Tree). It looks to me that we do not have the proper information in the X-columns to build a solid model.
So I would look into the physics of the process or whatever it is,
- how the Xes may/can change the Y,
- what the noise may be
- and what makes the things change over time, and include it into the dataset.
- and I'm also curious about the data structure, there are groups of rows with same date and same values for some parameters
What me surprised is that, when I made a validation column that is stratified by time, I got the same result (fair model for the first part, no model with the new data).
Good luck,