Thanks, Mark, that was helpful. I think I came across a the key text "have a guess for the unknown parameters". The researcher claims to not be able to predict anything more than the rough shape of the response. There's also a language barrier, so trying to clarify almost anything has been tough.
I was hoping to get lucky and find something applicable to a 'generic' 3P exponential. I had seen in an earlier post that there needed to be as many experimental points as there were parameters. For example, a 3 parameter exponential growth would need 3 settings along the X-axis.
A further complication is the growth curve's X-axis factor (chemistry concentration, which I neglected to list initially). The concentrations are expected to be different for each chemistry, because one of the chemistries is expected to be 2x as active as the other. And the 3rd chemistry is stronger still, therefore the asymptotes will begin in greatly different regions of concentration.
Thanks for making things clearer. regards, Paul