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catch Sql Query error
I want to update a database via the New SQL Query function:
Names Default To Here( 1 );
obj = New SQL Query(
Connection("DB connection string"),
Custom SQL "
UPDATE table
SET Column_1 = 1
where Column_2 = '2'
Error_Msg = Log capture( obj << Run;);
I get the following error message:
Error running SQL Query:
[Server] Invalid object name table
Log Capture only get the empty "" string. So i don't know if the query was successful since it returns an empty string when no error occurs.
simmilar topic but with open database: https://community.jmp.com/t5/Discussions/Catching-database-error-message/m-p/6749#M6743
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Re: catch Sql Query error
You might have better luck with the EXECUTE SQL function. I wrote a function on top of EXECUTE SQL called LOG_EXECUTE_SQL, that looks for errors, and if found, displays a text box with the error and the SQL that caused it. Also you can display the SQL for any calls by setting a global variable.
Function Name: log_execute_sql
Description: Execute SQL and trap ODBC errors found in the log file. If any are
found, display a warning message to the user. If the global variable
::g_log_execute_sql_debug flag is set to 1, display the SQL before
executing it
_caller Calling program. This will be included in the error message
_dbc database connection created with create database connection call
_sql sql statement to run
_invisible If 1, set the invisible flag. If 0, don't set it.
_tbl_name Optional table name to give the returned results table
Subprograms: execute sql
clear log
get log
Returns: pointer to dataset
This preference is optional but good to use:
pref(ODBC Hide Connection String(1)); // Don't show connection string in dataset
Example calls:
1. Retrieve data from a table into an invisible dataset
pname = "Main Program";
dbc = Create Database Connection(::db_dsn); // ::db_dsn contains your database connection string
// The two colons means this is a global variable btw
// Get values from PARAMETERS table
sql_statement =
"SELECT rp.parameter_name, rp.parameter_value
FROM myschema.my_parameters rp";
param_dataset = log_execute_sql(pname, dbc, sql_statement, 1, "My Parameters");
close database connection(dbc);
2. Execute an INSERT statement:
dbc = Create Database Connection(::db_dsn); // ::db_dsn contains your database connection string
sql_statement = evalinsert(
"INSERT INTO myschema.my_activity_log
(user_created, date_created, my_section, activity, parameter1, value1, parameter2, value2,
parameter3, value3, parameter4, value4, parameter5, value5, parameter6, value6, parameter7, value7,
parameter8, value8)
VALUES ('^one_current_user_id^', CURRENT_DATE, 'DASHBOARD', 'REFRESH', 'Product Name', '^product_name_txt^',
'Owner', '^owner_txt^', 'Search Event Text', '^search_event_txt^', 'Date From', '^date_from_txt^',
'Date To', '^date_to_txt^', 'Alert Status', '^alert_status_txt^', 'Event Types', '^concat_event_types_list^',
'Alert Types', '^concat_alert_types_list^')");
// Run this SQL. No table is retrieved as it's a simple insert
log_execute_sql(pname, dbc, sql_statement, 0, "");
// Close the database connection - end of initialization queries
Close Database Connection(dbc);
log_execute_SQL = function({_caller, _dbc, _sql, _invisible, _tbl_name},
{Default Local},
if (isempty(_dbc),
_nw = new window("log_execute_sql: Empty Value", << modal,
textbox("Error in log_execute_sql: The database connection is empty."),
throw("Empty database connection string");
if (isempty(_sql) | _sql == "",
_nw = new window("log_execute_sql: Empty Value", << modal,
textbox("Error in log_execute_sql: The SQL statement is empty."),
throw("Empty SQL string");
// Check the debug flag
_debug = 0;
if (! is empty(global:g_log_execute_sql_debug),
_debug = global:g_log_execute_sql_debug;
if (_debug,
_nw = new window("log_execute_sql DEBUG", << modal,
lineup box(ncol(2),
text box("_caller: "), text box(_caller),
text box("_dbc: "), text box(char(_dbc)),
text box("_invisible: "), text box(char(_invisible)),
text box("_tbl_name: "), text box(_tbl_name),
panel box("SQL",
sql_teb = text edit box(_sql)
_cb = check box("Turn off subsequent debug output"),
_tb = text box(" "),
_bb = button box("OK",
is_checked = _cb << get(1);
if (is_checked,
global:g_log_execute_sql_debug = 0;
sql_teb << set nlines(40) << set width(500);
// OK we're good to go now.
batch interactive(1); // New 5-17-2018 force all errors to go to the log
_log_contents = log capture(
if (_invisible,
_dt = execute sql(_dbc, _sql, invisible, _tbl_name);
_dt = execute sql(_dbc, _sql, _tbl_name);
batch interactive(0); // New 5-17-2018 errors will not be forced to go to the log
// Check the log window for ODBC errors
// _log_contents = get log();
_found_error = 0;
crlf = hex to char("0D0A");
if (contains(_log_contents, "[Oracle][ODBC]") | contains(uppercase(_log_contents), "ERROR"), // Looking for errors
// then
_found_error = 1;
_log_list = words(_log_contents, crlf);
_error_msg = _log_list[1];
if (_found_error,
// then
// print(_sql); // Write the SQL out to the log window
_nw = new window("log_execute_sql: Oracle ODBC Error", << modal,
textbox("An Oracle error occurred in " || _caller || ": "),
panel box("Please email to technical support:",
sql_teb = text edit box(evalinsert(
"Calling Program: ^_caller^
Error Message: ^_error_msg^
sql_teb << set nlines(30) << set width(500),
// Return the table pointer
); // end log_execute_sql
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Re: catch Sql Query error
Short version:
E_Msg = Log capture(
create database connection("DB_String");
"SQL string"
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Re: catch Sql Query error
You might want to surround your code with these statements to force all error messages to the log:
batch interactive(1);
<your code>
batch interactive(0);
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Re: catch Sql Query error
I looks like you are missing the opening parenthesis after Custom SQL argument.
I think the error message is referring "table" after Update. Is that the actual name or is it a variable in which the name is stored? Also, should the name of the table be quoted in SQL?
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Re: catch Sql Query error
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Re: catch Sql Query error
I found the tailcontents = Get Log( -5 ); code to acces the Log, but the message ist still not accessible:
{""}Error running SQL Query:
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Invalid object name '*table name*'. [SQLSTATE=42S02]
I only get the {""} from the log file as with capture log. even when reading out the whole via Get Log();
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Re: catch Sql Query error
Hi @Mauro_Gerber ,
did you specify a default database in the connection string with "Database=myDBname"
or via the ODBC driver UI?
It appears that the table is not found in the “default” database that you are querying against.
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Re: catch Sql Query error
Add the schema name in front of your table like schema.table_name
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Re: catch Sql Query error
Hello @jara95
Thank you for your reply
I deliberately make a false SQL statement to force an error message.
I update/extend an existing data base at high speed and need to verify that the new entry is actually present. If an error occurs, the user should be alerted with an error message (best case the one I got from SQL). The workaround would be to make a second SQL statement to ask for the new entry which opens an new data table to verify and then close again.
This would need a lot more time and put more “stress” on the server and doesn't give a clue what went wrong.
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Re: catch Sql Query error
Sorry, I misread your question.
Could you try Run Foreground command?
Error_Msg = Log Capture( obj << run foreground );
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Re: catch Sql Query error
You might have better luck with the EXECUTE SQL function. I wrote a function on top of EXECUTE SQL called LOG_EXECUTE_SQL, that looks for errors, and if found, displays a text box with the error and the SQL that caused it. Also you can display the SQL for any calls by setting a global variable.
Function Name: log_execute_sql
Description: Execute SQL and trap ODBC errors found in the log file. If any are
found, display a warning message to the user. If the global variable
::g_log_execute_sql_debug flag is set to 1, display the SQL before
executing it
_caller Calling program. This will be included in the error message
_dbc database connection created with create database connection call
_sql sql statement to run
_invisible If 1, set the invisible flag. If 0, don't set it.
_tbl_name Optional table name to give the returned results table
Subprograms: execute sql
clear log
get log
Returns: pointer to dataset
This preference is optional but good to use:
pref(ODBC Hide Connection String(1)); // Don't show connection string in dataset
Example calls:
1. Retrieve data from a table into an invisible dataset
pname = "Main Program";
dbc = Create Database Connection(::db_dsn); // ::db_dsn contains your database connection string
// The two colons means this is a global variable btw
// Get values from PARAMETERS table
sql_statement =
"SELECT rp.parameter_name, rp.parameter_value
FROM myschema.my_parameters rp";
param_dataset = log_execute_sql(pname, dbc, sql_statement, 1, "My Parameters");
close database connection(dbc);
2. Execute an INSERT statement:
dbc = Create Database Connection(::db_dsn); // ::db_dsn contains your database connection string
sql_statement = evalinsert(
"INSERT INTO myschema.my_activity_log
(user_created, date_created, my_section, activity, parameter1, value1, parameter2, value2,
parameter3, value3, parameter4, value4, parameter5, value5, parameter6, value6, parameter7, value7,
parameter8, value8)
VALUES ('^one_current_user_id^', CURRENT_DATE, 'DASHBOARD', 'REFRESH', 'Product Name', '^product_name_txt^',
'Owner', '^owner_txt^', 'Search Event Text', '^search_event_txt^', 'Date From', '^date_from_txt^',
'Date To', '^date_to_txt^', 'Alert Status', '^alert_status_txt^', 'Event Types', '^concat_event_types_list^',
'Alert Types', '^concat_alert_types_list^')");
// Run this SQL. No table is retrieved as it's a simple insert
log_execute_sql(pname, dbc, sql_statement, 0, "");
// Close the database connection - end of initialization queries
Close Database Connection(dbc);
log_execute_SQL = function({_caller, _dbc, _sql, _invisible, _tbl_name},
{Default Local},
if (isempty(_dbc),
_nw = new window("log_execute_sql: Empty Value", << modal,
textbox("Error in log_execute_sql: The database connection is empty."),
throw("Empty database connection string");
if (isempty(_sql) | _sql == "",
_nw = new window("log_execute_sql: Empty Value", << modal,
textbox("Error in log_execute_sql: The SQL statement is empty."),
throw("Empty SQL string");
// Check the debug flag
_debug = 0;
if (! is empty(global:g_log_execute_sql_debug),
_debug = global:g_log_execute_sql_debug;
if (_debug,
_nw = new window("log_execute_sql DEBUG", << modal,
lineup box(ncol(2),
text box("_caller: "), text box(_caller),
text box("_dbc: "), text box(char(_dbc)),
text box("_invisible: "), text box(char(_invisible)),
text box("_tbl_name: "), text box(_tbl_name),
panel box("SQL",
sql_teb = text edit box(_sql)
_cb = check box("Turn off subsequent debug output"),
_tb = text box(" "),
_bb = button box("OK",
is_checked = _cb << get(1);
if (is_checked,
global:g_log_execute_sql_debug = 0;
sql_teb << set nlines(40) << set width(500);
// OK we're good to go now.
batch interactive(1); // New 5-17-2018 force all errors to go to the log
_log_contents = log capture(
if (_invisible,
_dt = execute sql(_dbc, _sql, invisible, _tbl_name);
_dt = execute sql(_dbc, _sql, _tbl_name);
batch interactive(0); // New 5-17-2018 errors will not be forced to go to the log
// Check the log window for ODBC errors
// _log_contents = get log();
_found_error = 0;
crlf = hex to char("0D0A");
if (contains(_log_contents, "[Oracle][ODBC]") | contains(uppercase(_log_contents), "ERROR"), // Looking for errors
// then
_found_error = 1;
_log_list = words(_log_contents, crlf);
_error_msg = _log_list[1];
if (_found_error,
// then
// print(_sql); // Write the SQL out to the log window
_nw = new window("log_execute_sql: Oracle ODBC Error", << modal,
textbox("An Oracle error occurred in " || _caller || ": "),
panel box("Please email to technical support:",
sql_teb = text edit box(evalinsert(
"Calling Program: ^_caller^
Error Message: ^_error_msg^
sql_teb << set nlines(30) << set width(500),
// Return the table pointer
); // end log_execute_sql
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Re: catch Sql Query error
Short version:
E_Msg = Log capture(
create database connection("DB_String");
"SQL string"