Hi all,
wandering if you can help...
I'm trying to create new columns in a table from a calculation of a transposed summary but I keep getting errors
with defining some constants from the table.
any idea what I'm doing wrong?
src_tran = src_sum << Transpose(
Label( :Label )
Current Data Table( src_tran );
src_tran << new column("N", Formula(If( Substr( :Label, 0, 1 ) == "M",
Substr( Substr( :Label, 6 ), 0, Length( :Label ) - 6 ),
Substr( Substr( :Label, 9 ), 0, Length( :Label ) - 9 )
g = (Col Number( :Label) -2 );
for( i = 3, i = g, i++,
a = Char(N[i]) || "_Cv";
d = Char(N[i]);
b = as column(Row 1)[i];
c = as column(Row 1)[i+1969];
Current Data Table( src );
src << new column( a, Numeric, continuous,
Formula( (b - :d) / (nsigma*c)));
Log shows:
Column SEBV-D_CLK_A Cluster Size RsltF32_Pln00 (365) -1::21205_Cv Formula Interrupted Name Unresolved: d at row 1 in access or evaluation of 'd' , :d/*###*/ Formula evaluation errors have been ignored Name Unresolved: N in access or evaluation of 'N' , :N/*###*/