SO a bit lost here, trying to figure out JSL on my own. Can you advise on how I would create a generic JSL script that can plot a simple Fit YvX plot that iterates through the various "GroupBy's" in a column?
For example, Fit Y b X:
Y, response = Value
X, Factor = TimeStamp
By = GroupBy1, GroupBy2
this results in a series of charts grouped by all the unique groups of the two columns. I then right clicked the first chart and set the legend to be = ColHeader3
This first chart is how I want all future charts to look. I found the script for it but not sure how I can get it to iterate through all the subgroups of each "GroupBy#" column.
Ideally, I would open a fresh, unique data table (as long as the headers are all the same) and be able to run this script and get the same format of charts each time, letting it be generic.
//the script from the Fit Y by X first chart.
SendToByGroup( Bygroup Default ),
Y( :Value),
X( :TimeStamp),
By( :GroupBy1, :GroupBy2),
{:GroupBy1 == "GroupBy1.1", :GroupBy2== "GroupBy2.1"},
{"Bivariate Fit of Value By TimeStamp GroupBy1 =GroupBy1.1"},
"Bivar Plot",
{Row Legend(
Color( 1 ),
Color Theme( "JMP Default" ),
Marker( 0 ),
Marker Theme( "" ),
Continuous Scale( 0 ),
Reverse Scale( 0 ),
Excluded Rows( 0 )