I need some help with the scripting syntax. I am using JMP 16.
I have the script to read through all the files in a subfolder and identify the files that has the jpg extension.
What I would like to do is display a Window, with a forward and backward button, that would allow the user to display the images. How would I go about creating that?
Any help would be appreciated.
folder = char(Get Default Directory()) || "images/"; //subfolder is "images"
names = Files In Directory( folder );
dtpicnames = New Table( "Filenames of Images",
New Column( "filename", character ),
New Column( "inspection result", character ),
New Column( "path", character )
dtpicnames << move window(800, 0);
for( ii = 1, ii <= N Items(names), ii++,
if( Ends With( names[ii], ".jpg"),
dtpicnames << Add Rows(1);
dtpicnames:filename = names[ii];
dtpicnames:path = folder || names[ii];
img = new image(dtpicnames:path[1]);
img << scale(0.5);
w = New Window( "Image", pb = Picture Box( img ) );
w << move window(0, 0);