Hello again - I've set up below some SAS code to do the analysis as per the description in the earlier references, and then run the same analysis through JMP...
To do the same thing in JMP, download the following note by James Abbey at www.personal.psu.edu/jda188/JMP/Signedrank.doc and follow the instructions there on the DIFF column of your data set.
That is, import either FERTILIZER1.SAS7BDAT or FERTILIZER3.SAS7BDAT from your WILC library into JMP, and analyze the DIFF column using Analyze | Distribution. Copy the DIFF column into the "Y, Columns" placeholder and click OK. Next, click on the second red triangle and select "Test Mean". Put 0 into "Specify Hypothesized Mean", and check the "Wilcoxon Signed Rank" box, then click OK. In the "Test Mean=value" section of the output you should find the test statistic = 74, and the P value of 0.0017 - which is the same answer as the one that SAS produces.
Is that okay?