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Why is the Save Columns > Indiv Confidence Interval Formula option not available in the Fit Least Squares report?

I am analyzing data with the fit least squares platform using the REML method and I do not see the option for Save Columns > Individual Confidence Interval Formula. The option to save the individual confidence intervals (without the formula) is available, but I need the formula. Is there a settings option that I need to change to enable this save option?


Super User (Alumni)

Re: Why is the Save Columns > Indiv Confidence Interval Formula option not available in the Fit Least Squares report?

@jmessamer ,


This can be done with a script.  Below are two examples. You should post which version of JMP you aer using.


REML example

dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/" );

obj = Fit Model(
	Y( :miles ),
	Effects( :species, :subject[:species] & Random, :season, :species * :season ),
	Personality( Standard Least Squares ),
	Method( REML ),
	Convergence Limit( 0.0001 ),
	Run Model

F = obj << Get Indiv Confid Limit Formula; //creates a script
F;  //executes the script.

Least Squares Example

Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/" );
obj = Fit Model(
	Y( :y ),
	Effects( :Drug, :x ),
	Personality( Standard Least Squares ),
	Emphasis( Minimal Report ),
F = obj << Get  Indiv Confid Limit Formula; //see log a script is created
F;  // execute this script to get the formulas