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What is the best way to graph catch/pot in relation to east-west and inshore-offshore vessel groupings?
The table is a modified (i.e. it has had extra columns added to delimit the data) output table from an individual based model of the South Devon crab fishery. This is executed by 20 vessels each of which has a variable number of pots set to catch crabs. The crabs move from east to west through the modelled area. I am mostly interested in determining the differences in catch per pot in the west of the area versus the east and inshore versus offshore. I also upload an image of the model interface to give an idea of how the system looks. I am using JMP Pro 16 on a MacBook Pro with MacOS Monterey. In the data table 1 is west and 2 is east; 1 is inshore and 2 is offshore.
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Re: What is the best way to graph catch/pot in relation to east-west and inshore-offshore vessel groupings?
That's a really nice plot. I've long wondered how it would be possible to get not only the mean but also SD or SE plus range. Could you send me the script for it?
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Re: What is the best way to graph catch/pot in relation to east-west and inshore-offshore vessel groupings?
You can use Tables > Summary or Analyze > Tabulate to get sample statistics. use the grouping variables and select the statistics for the catch/pot variables.
You can then click the red triangle and select Save Script when you have the results as you like.
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Re: What is the best way to graph catch/pot in relation to east-west and inshore-offshore vessel groupings?
Here is one plot that might be useful:
I had to change the modeling type of a few variables to make them into groups. Also, I do not know the meaning of the 1 and 2 codes for West-East and In-shore Off-shore, but you can add the Value Label column property to make it clearer.
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Re: What is the best way to graph catch/pot in relation to east-west and inshore-offshore vessel groupings?
That's a really nice plot. I've long wondered how it would be possible to get not only the mean but also SD or SE plus range. Could you send me the script for it?
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Re: What is the best way to graph catch/pot in relation to east-west and inshore-offshore vessel groupings?
You can use Tables > Summary or Analyze > Tabulate to get sample statistics. use the grouping variables and select the statistics for the catch/pot variables.
You can then click the red triangle and select Save Script when you have the results as you like.
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Re: What is the best way to graph catch/pot in relation to east-west and inshore-offshore vessel groupings?
Thanks. I realised after sending my message how to produce the graph. It's very simple as you point out!