Update: I added the get rows where method of finding the rows. Obviously this has the restriction of requiring numberic data, but I sometimes am able to get around that.
I'm a big fan of doing everything with matrices.
Names default to here(1);
dt = New Table("Test",
Add Rows(1000000),
New Column("Statusnummer", Set Each Value(Random Integer(0, 1))),
New Column("Drehzahl", Set Each Value(Choose(Random Integer(1, 2), ., Random Normal()))),
New Column("geschw", Set Each Value(Choose(Random Integer(1, 2), ., Random Normal()))),
New Column("SollDrehzahl", Set Each Value(Random Normal())),
New Column("Soll_drehzahl"),
New Column("Ist_drehzahl"),
New Column("Maschinenleistung"),
st = HPTime();
if(dt:Statusnummer[i] == 1,
if(!isMissing(dt:Drehzahl[i]) & !isMissing(dt:geschw[i]),
ist = dt:Drehzahl[i];
soll = dt:SollDrehzahl[i];
dt:Soll_drehzahl[i] = soll;
dt:Ist_drehzahl[i] = ist;
dt:Maschinenleistung[i] = 100*ist/soll;
t_loop = HPTime() - st;
st = HPTime();
m = dt[0, {"Statusnummer", "Drehzahl", "geschw"}]; // makes a matrix
//check the matrix
v = m[0, 1] // don't need to do a check if it's 0 or 1
!ismissing(m[0, 2]) // check if drehzahl is missing
!ismissing(m[0, 3]); // check if drehzahl is missing
rows = loc(v); // this is the rows you want to do stuff on now.
//now just set all at once
soll = dt[rows, "Soll_drehzahl"] = dt:SollDrehzahl[rows]; // assign the rows and variable simultaneously
ist = dt[rows, "Ist_drehzahl"] = dt:Drehzahl[rows]; // same thing
dt[rows, "Maschinenleistung"] = 100 * ist :* (1/soll); // do an element wise matrix division
t_mat = HPTime() - st;
st = HPTime();
rows = dt << get rows where(dt:Statusnummer == 1 &
!Is Missing(dt:Drehzahl) &
!Is Missing( dt:geschw ));
//now just set all at once
soll = dt[rows, "Soll_drehzahl"] = dt:SollDrehzahl[rows]; // assign the rows and variable simultaneously
ist = dt[rows, "Ist_drehzahl"] = dt:Drehzahl[rows]; // same thing
dt[rows, "Maschinenleistung"] = 100 * ist :* (1/soll); // do an element wise matrix division
t_get_where = HPTime() - st;
show(t_loop, t_mat, t_get_where);
When I ran this comparison, I got
t_loop = 11259288;
t_mat = 206942;
t_loop = 11950585;
t_mat = 205366;
t_get_where = 6742823;