I want to make Var Comp Analysis
The random factors are
Operator, Day, Plate, Replicate
Balanced Nested Design
I want to make displays of how Variance can occupy within the Total Variance (It is the principle of Var Comp Analysis, Right?)
So I made the figure top of this post.
1. sigma operator makes O1 and O2 scatter
2. When O1 and O2 are fixed, they respectively has their Day distribution,
3. When D1,2 and D3,4 are fixed, they respectively has their Plate distribution,
Is my understanding good? (I know in the figure it is not proper to display sigma, maybe it is proper to substitute it to sigma (mean of operator), or something else, but out of point.)
Can uppermost distribution be assumed as equal to Total Distribution??
Please help me.
I have tried to search referable figure in the net by entering <nested design, distribution, split-plot, var comp, etc.> but I couldn't.