I'm trying to run a similar script like below where I loop through a list of columns, select where they meet a certain criteria and hide/exclude them accordingly.
In my script there are calculations and graphical outputs created and for all of those I'm able to use the approach to select a column and compute it as I show below.
Except for the select where() part:
- If I use the :column(col_w) it ignores it
- If I use :name(col_w) it gives an error that it needs a quoted string and I can't get it to work.
How would I properly script it to get the select where to work?
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
col_w = List( "age", "height", "weight" );
For( i = 3, i <= N Items( col_w ), i++,
//i = 1;
cur_col = (col_w[i]);
//cur_col1 = column(col_w[i]);
dt << select where( :column( cur_col ) > 1 ) << hide;
//dt << select where ( :name(cur_col) > 1) << hide; << exclude;