I found a couple of issues.
First, in your formula columns, you were specifying SE, and in your data table, the columns have SD. Also in the formulas, there was n = 2, referenced as part of the column name. I don't know where that is coming from, so I just removed it, and the creation of the column formulas work.
Second, the values in the Spec Limits lists need to be fully expanded before the Set Property will work. Using a Substitute to pass in the limits values into the list is one way to do this.
names default to here(1);
dt=new table("example",
// Just some code to create a test tableNew Table( "test",
Add Rows( 10 ),
New Column( "LA",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Values(
[4172.33500363846, 4003.0454164522, 5132.51142953179, 4254.16795732848,
4202.75172580535, 3574.47256743923, 3804.96534319603, 3915.70034276743,
4319.47567126139, 4094.59235385003]
Set Display Width( 73 )
New Column( "UA",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Values(
[59507.3313010261, 53541.4856212676, 71149.6162777807, 59578.8338627777,
56630.4195099436, 50900.019384575, 51479.1947874623, 53642.2158390849,
61673.2466126228, 56337.4407587715]
Set Display Width( 73 )
New Column( "95CIupr SD LA",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Values(
[1043.86456772353, 876.888513223994, 1136.27463369684, 970.028749878648,
954.598082854551, 941.489444193772, 846.345601078669, 801.488231630083,
973.917277695926, 934.431089864531]
Set Display Width( 81 )
New Column( "95CIupr SD UA",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Values(
[3068.69934323136, 2352.88265793793, 4263.23712733597, 2974.99490133574,
2684.01670727501, 2048.97811082407, 2128.8899692482, 2298.27809836615,
3264.19929423158, 2671.90896127954]
Set Display Width( 83 )
//define default values for number edit boxes
UA_LSL = 0.8; // numbers with default
UA_USL = 1.2; // number with default
UA_LA_LSL = 0.8; // number with default
UA_LA_USL = 1.2; // number with default
//code for the pop-up window
w = New Window( "SST simulation", <<modal, // opens a window with a title and this content...
Border Box( top( 20 ), bottom( 20 ), Left( 20 ), Right( 20 ), // window dressing
V List Box( // V and H lists nest to organize the display boxes
H Center Box( Text Box( "Define SST Options" ) ), // a second title, centered
Spacer Box( size( 1, 30 ) ), // a little vertical space
H List Box( Text Box( "UA1/UA2 LSL and USL: " ), meta_UA_LSL = Number Edit Box( UA_LSL ), meta_UA_USL = Number Edit Box( UA_USL ) ), // data entry
Spacer Box(size(1, 10)),
H List Box( Text Box( "UA1-LA1/UA2-LA2 LSL and USL: " ), meta_UA_LA_LSL = Number Edit Box( UA_LA_LSL ), meta_UA_LA_USL = Number Edit Box( UA_LA_USL ) ), // data entry
Spacer Box(size(1, 10)),
H List Box( // center the button
Button Box( "OK", // this script runs when the button is pressed...
UA_LSL = meta_UA_LSL << get;
UA_USL = meta_UA_USL << get;
UA_LA_LSL = meta_UA_LA_LSL << get;
UA_LA_USL = meta_UA_LA_USL << get;
Spacer Box(size(10, 1)),
Button Box("Cancel")
//w << closeWindow; // close the dialog
// If cancel or X was clicked, stop the script
If( w == {Button( -1 )}, Stop() );
//code to to change spec limits in column properties and column formulas
//dt = Current Data Table();
// Paste columns
dt << New Column( "UA1/UA2",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Property(
"Spec Limits",
Eval( {LSL( _UA_LSL_ ), USL( _UA_USL_ ), Target( 1 ), Show Limits( 1 )} )
Random Normal( :UA, :"95CIupr SD UA"n ) /
Random Normal( :UA, :"95CIupr SD UA"n )
Set Selected,
Set Display Width( 73 )
Expr( _UA_LSL_ ), UA_LSL,
Expr( _UA_USL_ ), UA_USL
dt << New Column( "UA1-LA1/UA2-LA2",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Property(
"Spec Limits",
{LSL( _UA_LA_LSL_ ), USL( _UA_LA_USL_ ), Target( 1 ), Show Limits( 1 )}
(Random Normal( :UA, :"95CIupr SD UA"n )
-Random Normal( :LA, :"95CIupr SD LA"n )) / (
Random Normal( :UA, :"95CIupr SD UA"n )
-Random Normal( :LA, :"95CIupr SD LA"n ))
Set Selected,
Set Display Width( 106 )
Expr( _UA_LA_LSL_ ), UA_LA_LSL,
Expr( _UA_LA_USL_ ), UA_LA_USL
dt << New Column( "Check",
Character( 7 ),
:"UA1/UA2"n < UA_LSL | :"UA1/UA2"n
> UA_USL | :"UA1-LA1/UA2-LA2"n < UA_LA_LSL | :"UA1-LA1/UA2-LA2"n > UA_LA_USL,
Set Selected,
Set Display Width( 50 )