I have the following code that I got A LOT of help on from my JMP JSL SAS professors when I took the course (so I don't totally understand how it works). It allows me to put a bunch of (variable, to be selected by the user) distributions in one window. How do I script the resultant window to the Journal that is created earlier in my code? All my other graphs are straightforward - created an outline box in the Journal and then appended the outline box with the line up box that had my created graphs in it. However, this is so different than those that I don't understand how I "save" the resultant single window with multiple (variable) distributions in it to the Journal under a differently titled outline box. Thanks!
// Make Distribution of all Controlled Conditions in its own window
n = N Items( cont_cond );
If( N Items( cont_cond ),
yExpr = Expr( Y() );
For( iItem = 1, iItem <= n, iItem++,
Insert Into( yExpr, Column( cont_cond[iItem] ) )
dt << Distribution(
quantiles( 0 ),
show percents( 1 ),
show counts( 1 ),
outlier box plot( 0 ),
customize summary statistics(
set alpha level( 0.2 )
Expr( yyy ), Name Expr( yExpr )