Hello - I'm trying to do a join as part of a script. However, the "select" and "selectwith" parts are messing me up. I'm dynamically selecting columns of linked data tables earlier in the script, and and passing them as a list to the "select" and "select with" parts. I tried Eval(Eval Expr(Expr())), but that didn't work. I think I'm just misunderstanding the way those two actually take information.
Data Table(dt2b) << Join(
With(Data Table("Experimental Info")),
Match Flag(1),
By Matching Columns(:ID = :ID),
Drop multiples(0, 0),
Include Nonmatches(0, 0),
Preserve main table order(1)
The output for selectedCols1String and selectedCols2String look like this: ":ID, :2Theta, :Data, :Error, :Raw Data, :Raw Error"
Edward Hamer Chandler, Jr.