Hi @txnelson and @Thierry_S .
Thanks for the reply. For some reason my previous reply was marked as abuse so here is a rewrite:
Unfortunately, I can't share the entire script or the plots because of NDA but I can try to provide more details:
I am creating the windows using this function:
CreateResultsWindow = Function(
// Inputs
// Local variables
Window, ReturnList,
OutLineBox1, BorderBox1, LineUpBox1
Window = NewWindow(Title,
OutLineBox1 = OutLineBox(
BorderBox1 = BorderBox(
Left(40), Right(40), Top(40), Bottom(40), Sides(30),
LineUpBox1 = LineUpBox(NCol(2));
ReturnList = {};
InsertInto(ReturnList, LineUpBox1);
EvalList ( ReturnList );
I then create Graph Builder objects in a for loop and add them to a list:
GB = GraphBuilder(...);
InsertInto(GBList, GB);
And then I attach them to a display object in the window (the Lineup Box) by calling this function:
AppendPlotBasedOnDescendingValue = Function(
// Inputs
{PlotBoxList, ValueList, AppendBox},
// Local variables
{i, RankList, ReorderedPlotBoxList},
// Vector of indices used as subscript into original list
RankList = RankIndex(ValueList);
// Reorder plots based on values
ReorderedPlotBoxList = PlotBoxList[RankList];
// Plot by descending
For(i=NItems(ReorderedPlotBoxList), i>=1, i--,
AppendBox << Append(Report(ReorderedPlotBoxList[i]));
ReorderedPlotBoxList[i] << CLoseWindow;
I call the function with the graph builder list and a list of R^2 values.
AppendPlotBasedOnDescendingValue(GBList, R2List, LineupBox);
It works, but I am unable to select/highlight the data on the table/graph builder.