Hello everyone, I hope you can help me.
I designed an experiment using two different genotypes (WT and TG) of mouse and they both were fed with either a control diet (Crtl) or a high-fat diet ( HFD). I measured the weight of each mice for several weeks and would like to statistically analyze the results.
For this approach since I have 2 factors, and time I decided to use the Two way repeated measures ANOVA . I did the procedure using the indications suggested here https://www.jmp.com/support/notes/30/584.html .I nested genotype inside diet and treated it as my random factor. Then did a full factorial cross of diet and time. However, I have problems with the interpretation of the results. My main objective is to test if both genotypes are affected by the HFD in the same way, meaning that they gained weight in the same way across time. But in the results section, it only lets me see the effect of each factor alone (diet, time, or genotype) or the effect of diet vs time. Where do I see the effect of diet on genotype along time?
Also is there a way to make a test on the difference in the mean of each group ( WT ctrl, WT HFD, Tg ctrl, and TG HFD) for each week? or do I need to run a two-way ANOVA separately to get this?
Thank you very much in advance for your response.