Many thanks.
Do you have any idea why a for each row() loop works fine if I run it by highlighting and then Ctrl+R in the JSL window, but it doesn't work when executing as part of the whole script?
col = New COlumn("FF_Calc", numeric) << Modeling Type ( continuous );
col<<set formula(:vmp *:imp /:Voc /:Isc);
New Column("xref", Character, Ordinal, Formula(If(Right(Left(:Name("Xref-Yref"), 2), 1) == "-", Left(:Name("Xref-Yref"), 1), Left(:Name("Xref-Yref"), 2))), Set Property("Value Ordering", {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16"}));
New Column("yref", Character, Ordinal, Formula(If(Left(Right(:Name("Xref-Yref"), 2), 1) == "-", Right(:Name("Xref-Yref"), 1), Right(:Name("Xref-Yref"), 2))), Set Property("Value Ordering", {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16"}));
for each row(
if(:FF_Calc < 0, rowstate() = excluded state(1), :FF_calc > 1, rowstate() = excluded state(1), rowstate() = excluded state(0)
for each row(
if(dt:FF_Calc < 0, rowstate() = excluded state(1), dt:FF_Calc > 1, rowstate() = excluded state(1), rowstate() = excluded state(0)
); // neither of these work in the script, but if executed manually they work fine. Do I have to select the table or something like that?