You should be able to use the document topic vectors. Maybe someone knows of a quantifyiable way to choose the decision points for each vector, I have done that visually and by checking documents:
Names default to here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$Sample_data/Aircraft" );
te = dt << Text Explorer(
Text Columns( :Final Narrative ),
Latent Semantic Analysis(
Maximum Number of Terms( 2128 ),
Minimum Term Frequency( 10 ),
Weighting( "TF IDF" ),
Number of Singular Vectors( 100 ),
Centering and Scaling( "Centered and Scaled" )
Topic Analysis( 1, Number of Topics( 10 ) ),
Tokenizing( "Basic Words" ),
Language( "English" ),
Dispatch( {}, "Term and Phrase Lists", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "SVD Plots", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Topic Terms", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Topic Scores Plots", OutlineBox, {Close( 0 )} )
//Save the topic vectors
te << Save Document Topic Vectors;
//Decide what values relate to documents that contain the topic:
dt << Distribution(
Continuous Distribution( Column( :Topic 1 ) ),
Continuous Distribution( Column( :Topic 2 ) ),
Continuous Distribution( Column( :Topic 3 ) ),
Continuous Distribution( Column( :Topic 4 ) ),
Continuous Distribution( Column( :Topic 5 ) ),
Continuous Distribution( Column( :Topic 6 ) ),
Continuous Distribution( Column( :Topic 7 ) ),
Continuous Distribution( Column( :Topic 8 ) ),
Continuous Distribution( Column( :Topic 9 ) ),
Continuous Distribution( Column( :Topic 10 ) )
//Select rows with topic 1
dt << Select where( :Topic 1 > 5 );
//Or, count rows with topic 1:
Sum( (Column( dt, "Topic 1" ) << Get values) > 5 );
//returns 169