Here are my thoughts:
1. Your Time column is set as nominal, but I believe it is continuous.
2. How much of a change in the Time values is of practical significance?
3. If there is a known amount of time difference between materials, you could either do the analysis by material or normalize the data (delta from target for each material)
4. You should evaluate the repeated measures within treatment before summarizing that data. Here is a range chart showing those measures are consistent, so summarizing this data with a mean (and standard deviation) is appropriate.
5. A questions about your data; You use the same designation for Sample Name across multiple Materials? It doesn't seem likely that Sample1 for Material1 is identical to Sample1 for Material2? These may be nested. Lost DF's is usually be cause you have over specified the model given the number of data points. It also looks like there is a bit of imbalance to your data set? If you have 7 materials, 2 fuels, 2 people, 2 sample sets and 3 sample names per material and 3 repeats, you should have 504 data points?
A bit of a look at the data:
"All models are wrong, some are useful" G.E.P. Box