The JSL for a JMP Platform that generates an Analysis of Variance is missing from the code. The way the variable "vv" is being used in your supplied JSL seems to be pointing to the Output Display from a Oneway analysis or a Fit Model. I find no such reference in the code you supplied.
I have made a guess and added in a Oneway to the code. It generates output, but you need to verify that it is what you want.
Input = Dialog( "Please Set Pvalue Limit", Pvalue_Threshold = EditNumber( 0.15 ), Button( "OK" ), Button( "Cancel" ) );
Pvaluelimit = Input[1];
vl = V List Box( Text Box( "Vmap Comparison" ) );
vl1 = V List Box();
vl2 = V List Box();
counter = 0;
i = 0;
k = 0;
j = 0;
w = 0;
WorkTable= current data table();
GetColName = WorkTable << get column names( Numeric );
Show( GetColName );
SumDT = New Table( "SummaryData" );
SumDT << New Column( "MDUT_Data", Character, Nominal, width( 30 ), values( GetColName ) );
SumDT << New Column( "P-Value", Numeric, Continuous );
nc1 = 1;
Temp = Data Table( WorkTable ) << Summary( Group( SPLIT ) );
nsplits = N Row( Temp );
SplitDef = Column( 1 ) << Get As Matrix;
Show( SplitDef, nsplits );
Close( Temp, no save );
For( i = 1, i <= nsplits, i++,
MeanCol = "Mean of " || Splitdef[i];
SumDT << New Column( MeanCol );
For( i = 1, i <= nsplits, i++,
SigmaCol = "Sigma of " || Splitdef[i];
SumDT << New Column( SigmaCol );
Current Data Table( SumDT );
For Each Row(
CurrentMDUT = Column( SumDT, "MDUT_Data" )[];
Current Data Table( WorkTable );
MeanCal = Summarize(
ExpCol = by( SPLIT ),
c = count,
meanD = Mean( Eval( CurrentMDUT ) ),
Sig = Std Dev( Eval( CurrentMDUT ) )
Current Data Table( SumDT );
For( w = nc1 + 2, w <= nsplits + nc1 + 1, w++,
BB = meanD[w - nc1 - 1];
Column( w )[] = BB;
CC = Sig[w - nc1 - 1];
Column( w + nsplits )[] = CC;
Current Data Table( WorkTable );
vx=worktable << Oneway( Y( column(SumDT:MDUT_Data[row()]) ), X( :Split ), Means( 1 ), Mean Diamonds( 1 ) );
Pvalue = vv["Analysis of Variance"][Number Col Box( 5 )] << get( 1 );
Current Data Table( SumDT );
Column( nc1 + 1 )[] = Pvalue;
Current Data Table( WorkTable );
vv << close window;
If( Pvalue < Pvaluelimit,
counter = counter + 1;
layoutflag = Mod( counter, 2 );
If( layoutflag > 0,
vl1 << append( vv ),
vl2 << append( vv )