Some words of wisdom from one of my mentors,
"All models are wrong, some are useful" (G.E.P. Box)."
"Two equally competent investigators presented with the same problem would typically begin from different starting points, proceed by different routes, and yet could reach the same answer. What is sought is not uniformity but convergence.” (Box, Hunter and Hunter, Statistics for Experimenters)
Unfortunately, I don't understand your situation based on the explanations you have posted. I would need to understand what questions you are trying to answer, what are the response variables you are trying to model, what factors are you experimenting on, etc. In general, when I use blocks in industrial experimentation, I spend a good deal of effort identifying and understanding the noise (using critical thinking and process maps). The purpose of experimentation is to have the experiment be representative of the conditions we are trying to draw conclusions over (inference space). This presents a dilemma, the more representative the experiment, the greater the noise in the experiment, the more difficult it is to detect factor effects. Historically, folks have made choices to hold noise constant to improve the precision of the design (Box's word for detecting factor effects). Unfortunately this has a hugely negative effect on inference space. So the challenge to make the experiment more representative of reality while increasing design precision is an extremely important set of work. There are a number of strategies to accomplish this: Repeats (allow for estimating short-term noise such as measurement error), Replicates (Randomized and RCBD, BIB), Split-plots, etc. If you can identify the noise a priori you have more efficient and effective methods at your disposal. If you cannot identify the noise, your only choice is to randomize which appears to be your case
Center point runs can be very efficient and useful, but the factors must be quantitative. They provide the ability to assess general curvature over the design space (degree of freedom to assign the quadratic effect) and, if used properly a look at stability over the design space. If you replicate the center points, some would say you have a reasonably good estimate of MSE (thinking is the center point might be current conditions, so you have a set of data at current conditions to test the factor effects against). If you run multiple center points randomly over the deign space, you also might be able to assess stability over the design space.
"All models are wrong, some are useful" G.E.P. Box