Here's an approach:
1) Get the limits from the original data table using the "Manage Limits" utility, save as tall limits table.
2) Use a virtual join to link the stacked data with the limits table
3) Make your graph, you'll need to use the "variables" panel in the graph element options.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
//Open Data Table: Stacked
stk = Open( "$DOWNLOADS/Stacked" );
//Open Data Table:
dt = Open( "$DOWNLOADS/" );
//Report snapshot: datatable - Manage Limits
obj = dt <<
Manage Limits( Process Variables( Column Group( "Tests" ) ) );
lim = obj << Save to Tall Limits Table;
r= obj << Report;
r << Close Window;
//Change column link ID: Variable
lim:Variable << Set Property( "Link ID", 1 );
//Change column link reference: Label
stk:Label <<
Set Property(
"Link Reference",
{Reference Table( lim ),
Options( "Use Linked Column Name" )}
//Report snapshot: Stacked table - Graph Builder
stk << Graph Builder(
Size( 518, 543 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
X( :wafer ID ),
Y( :Data ),
Referenced Column(
Reference( Column( :Label ), Reference( Column( :LSL ) ) )
Position( 1 )
Referenced Column(
Reference( Column( :Label ), Reference( Column( :USL ) ) )
Position( 1 )
Group X( :Label )
Points( X, Y( 1 ), Legend( 8 ) ),
Line( X, Y( 2 ), Y( 3 ), Legend( 9 ) )
Local Data Filter(
Add Filter(
columns( :Label ),
Where( :Label == {"Currents A1", "Currents A3", "Currents A9"} ),
Display( :Label, N Items( 15 ), Find( Set Text( "" ) ) )