Thanks txnelson. Sorry, I should have told you the next step of my analysis also becuase of which it is important for me to define the parameter in the way that I mentioned earlier.
I am performing non-linear regression using the column with the formula (and the paramter). Now, if I define the parameter the way you have defined it in your code, then non-linear regression will not consider "tuning" as a parameter that it has to optimize. It will consider it as a fixed value. So, it will not give me the optimized value of "tuning". On the other hand, if I define "tuning" as a parameter, then non-linear regression will give me the value of the parameter "tuning" which minimizes the sum of squares.
So, please let me know if there is any way I can define the parameter "tuning" in the same column so that non-linear regression considers it as a parameter which it has to optimize and not a fixed value. Thanks!!
Sorry for not being clear earlier.