I created a modal dialog box to gather some information before running through the rest of the script. It works but I get the following error in the log file and I don't understand why I get the error?
Send Expects Scriptable Object in access or evaluation of 'Send' , nw1 << /*###*/close window/*###*/
Here is the code for the modal window:
nw1 = New Window( "Setup Window", <<modal,
H List Box(
Panel Box( "Which Machine in East (M9/M11)?", H List Box( rb1 = Radio Box( {"M9", "M11"} ) ), ),
Panel Box( "Fetch New Data (Yes/No)?", H List Box( rb2 = Radio Box( {"Don't Update Data", "Update Data"} ) ), ),
Panel Box( "Actions",
H List Box(
okb1 = Button Box( "OK",
M9M11 = rb1 << get selected;
DataYN = rb2 << get selected;
If( M9M11 == "M9",
Machine = "M9";
ErrorLogScript = "M9-Error_Log.jsl";
RunTimeScript = "M9-RunTime.jsl";
ScriptPath =
"\\goldlnk.rootlnka.net\glddfs002\SHARED\SHARED\OPS\Micro-Electronics Mfg\Microwave\MRSI EAST 705 M8-M11 ERROR LOGS\M9-Combined\";
ELDTfolder =
"\\goldlnk.rootlnka.net\glddfs002\SHARED\SHARED\OPS\Micro-Electronics Mfg\Microwave\MRSI EAST 705 M8-M11 ERROR LOGS\M9 Data Tables\";
ELDTfile = "MRSI M9 Sorted Error Log.jmp";
RTDTfolder =
"\\goldlnk.rootlnka.net\glddfs002\SHARED\SHARED\OPS\Micro-Electronics Mfg\Microwave\MRSI EAST 705 M8-M11 ERROR LOGS\M9 Data Tables\";
RTDTfile = "M9 MRSI 705 East Run Time Log.jmp";
Machine = "M11";
ErrorLogScript = "M11-Error_Log.jsl";
RunTimeScript = "M11-RunTime.jsl";
ScriptPath =
"\\goldlnk.rootlnka.net\glddfs002\SHARED\SHARED\OPS\Micro-Electronics Mfg\Microwave\MRSI EAST 705 M8-M11 ERROR LOGS\M11-Combined\";
ELDTfolder =
"\\goldlnk.rootlnka.net\glddfs002\SHARED\SHARED\OPS\Micro-Electronics Mfg\Microwave\MRSI EAST 705 M8-M11 ERROR LOGS\M11 Data Tables\";
ELDTfile = "MRSI M11 Sorted Error Log.jmp";
RTDTfolder =
"\\goldlnk.rootlnka.net\glddfs002\SHARED\SHARED\OPS\Micro-Electronics Mfg\Microwave\MRSI EAST 705 M8-M11 ERROR LOGS\M11 Data Tables\";
RTDTfile = "M11 MRSI 705 East Run Time Log.jmp";
Wait( 1 );
If( DataYN == "Don't Update Data",
//Do nothing
Include( ScriptPath || ErrorLogScript );
Include( ScriptPath || RunTimeScript );
Wait( 1 );
nw1 << close window;
canb1 = Button Box( "Cancel",
nw1 << close window;
//in the future would like a way to terminate without continuing