I found the following example:
Select Multiple Columns and Update Missing Column Value [ May 28, 2019 10:21 PM (1195 views)]
and tried to modifiy it to my case, but without succes.
Column 4 to 14 (numeric, continuous) have missing values, and I would like to have "0" instead.
The script below only works for data type (character, nominal). What do I need to change to make it work for data type (numeric)?
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt_corr = Current Data Table();
// Fill-up columns with "0", when empty.
colNames_corr = dt_corr << get column names( string );
For( i = 4, i <= N Items( colNames_corr ), i++,
dt_corr << select where( As Column( colNames_corr[i] ) == "" );
If( N Rows( dt_corr << get selected rows ) > 0,
As Column( colNames_corr[i] )[dt_corr << get selected rows] = "0"