here is my modified script. The original script is already upload in my original post with all data tables relevant to the JSL.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
Clear Symbols();
Clear Log();
Close All( Data Tables, NoSave );
Close All( Journals, NoSave );
//dt_sum << clear select;
//Current Data Table( dt_sum );
//dt_sum = Current Data Table();
nw = New Window( "Reports",
hlb = H List Box(
lub = Lineup Box( N Col( 1 ) )
lub << Append( tb = Text Box( "PCM DSA report. Updated on : " || Short Date( Today() ) ));
tb << Set Font Size( 14 ) << Set Font Style( "Bold" ) << Justify Text( "center" );
tb << set width(700) << set wrap(700);
lub << Append( ob_sum = Outline Box( "Statistic Summary" ) );
dt_sum = Open( "" );
dt_sum << Clear Column Selection();
dt_sum << Clear Select;
ob_sum << Append( dt_sum = Current Data Table() << Get As Report );
dt_sum[Table Box( 1 )] << Set Scrollable( 0, 0 );
lub << Append( Page Break Box() );
lub << Append( ob_biv = Outline Box( "BIV" ) );
ob_biv << Append(
Y( :DSA ),
X( :Ppk of SMIC ),
Dispatch( {}, "1", ScaleBox, {Add Ref Line( 1.33, "Solid", "Black", "Cpk1.33", 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "2", ScaleBox, {Add Ref Line( 1.5, "Solid", "Black", "DSA1.5", 1 )} ),
"Bivar Plot",
{Row Legend(
Color( 1 ),
Color Theme( "JMP Default" ),
Marker( 1 ),
Marker Theme( "Standard" ),
Continuous Scale( 0 ),
Reverse Scale( 0 ),
Excluded Rows( 0 )
lub << Append( tb1 = Text Box( "Zone1:Cpk<1.33 && DSA>1.5
Zone2:Cpk<1.33 && DSA<1.5
Zone3:Cpk>1.33 && DSA>1.5
Zone4:Cpk>1.33 && DSA<1.5" ) );
tb1 << Set Font Size( 14 ) << Set Font Style( "Bold" ) << Justify Text( "left" );
tb1 << set width(700) << set wrap(700);
lub << Append( Page Break Box() );
//Open limit files to get the parameters into list
dt_limit = Open( "" );
dt_wo_spec = Open( "" );
lub << Append( Page Break Box() );
lub << Append( tb2 = Text Box( "Group 1 Parameters : Target process is MF process and test key is the same as MF version" ) );
tb2 << Set Font Size( 14 ) << Set Font Style( "Bold" ) << Justify Text( "Center" );
tb2 << set width(1000) << set wrap(1000);
lub << Append( Page Break Box() );
Current Data Table(dt_limit);
dt_limit << Select Where( :DSA Group == 1 );
//dt_limit << Select Where( as Column("DSA Group") == 1 );
Group1List = :new_name[dt_limit << get selected rows];
Show( Group1List);
for( i=1, i<=NItems(Group1List), i++,
obj_chart_g1 = dt_wo_spec << Variability Chart(
Y( Group1List[i] ),
X( :Product, :Lot, :Wafer Number ),
Connect Cell Means( 1 ),
Std Dev Chart( 0 ),
Show Box Plots( 1 ),
"Variability Chart for " || Group1List[i],
{Set Title( "Group 1 Variability Chart for " || Group1List[i])}
{"Variability Chart for " || Group1List[i]},
"Variability Chart",
//{Row Legend( Product, Color( 1 ), Color Theme( "JMP Default" ), Marker( 1 ), Marker Theme( "Standard" ), Continuous Scale( 0 ), Reverse Scale( 0 ), Excluded Rows( 0 ))}
{Row Legend( Product, Color( 1 ), Color Theme( "JMP Default" ), Marker( 1 ), Marker Theme( "Standard" ))}
lub << append ( Report (obj_chart_g1 ));
//lub << append( dt_sum << Select Where( :PCM == Group1List[i] ) ); // this part is not working
lub << append( dt_sum << Select Where( as column("PCM") == Group1List[i] ) <<Get As Report ) ;
Reports = Current Journal();
Reports << Set page setup( margins( 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1 ), scale( 0.8 ), portrait( 0 ), paper size( "A4" ) );
Reports << get page setup();
Reports << SavePDF("DSA_report.pdf");
//Close All( Data Tables, NoSave );
//Close All( Journals, NoSave );