I have had a similar issue. I found that if I set the window size for each graph prior to adding it to the Journal, I was able to print the Journal and the graphs.
graph1 << size window(920,800);
winJournal()["Graph"] << Apend(Outline Box("Graph",graph1);
I also used similar code as that above for page setup and also had to set the window size for the Journal;
winJOURNAL = CurrentJournal();
//Define setup information to save in pdf
winJOURNAL << Set page setup(
scale( 0.7 ),
winJOURNAL << Set Window Size(920, 1000);
It took some time to get the sizes correct based on the graphs. I found it is very important to go through this effort and to test it with different display resolutions. Generating a pdf with a lower display resolution will change the scale of the graphs.