@jthi, the issue is just the same when I asked my overseas colleague to follow the diagnostic procedure you proposed.
@Byron_JMP, just as I see it during our video conferences, the initial script executes approximately as fast as in my location. I am also guessing that the laptops in our company are all of relatively similar specs. What is confusing is that when my colleague emails me the initial table he has obtained from the first or "main" script and I execute the table script in it, it does just what I'd expect it to do. So maybe line speed is not the issue
@hogi I do not have this setting activated, so in my case (and I have taken the screenshots on my computer from my JMP installation) it appears as if the scripting editor itself is only colour coding a message like a variable if there's a line break between "<<" and "message", while it executes just the same with and without line break between "<<" and "message" completely independent of the colour coding.
However, I think I may have narrowed the issue down a little. I have copied in below what I want the table script to do, what it looks like on my JMP installation and what it appears to be doing on colleagues machine.
// what i want the table script to do
Data Table( "table_1" ) << Clear Selection;
Data Table( "table_1" ) << Clear Column Selection;
Table_2 = Data Table( "table_1" ) << Subset(
Filtered Rows(
Contains( :Category_1, "some_category" ) & Contains( :Category_2, "some_other_category" )
Table_3 = Table_2 << Split(
Split By( :Col_1, :Col_2 ),
Split( :Col_3 ),
Group( :Col_4, :Category_1, :Category_2 ),
Output Table( "table_3" ),
Remaining Columns( Drop All ),
Sort by Column Property
// what the table script looks like on my computer
// it does exactly the same as the above version, despite the line break before 'Subset'
Data Table( "table_1" ) << Clear Selection;
Data Table( "table_1" ) << Clear Column Selection;
Table_2 = Data Table( "table_1" ) <<
Filtered Rows(
Contains( :Category_1, "some_category" ) & Contains( :Category_2, "some_other_category" )
Table_3 = Table_2 << Split(
Split By( :Col_1, :Col_2 ),
Split( :Col_3 ),
Group( :Col_4, :Category_1, :Category_2 ),
Output Table( "table_3" ),
Remaining Columns( Drop All ),
Sort by Column Property
// what it appears to be doing on my colleagues computer
Data Table( "table_1" ) << Clear Selection;
Data Table( "table_1" ) << Clear Column Selection;
Data Table( "table_1" ) << Split(
Split By( :Col_1, :Col_2 ),
Split( :Col_3 ),
Group( :Col_4, :Category_1, :Category_2 ),
Output Table( "table_3" ),
Remaining Columns( Drop All ),
Sort by Column Property
Maybe the solution is to modify the table script like this?
// a solution to be tested?
Data Table( "table_1" ) << Clear Selection;
Data Table( "table_1" ) << Clear Column Selection;
Wait(); // this would be the new part per Byron's suggestion
Table_2 = Data Table( "table_1" ) << Subset(
Filtered Rows(
Contains( :Category_1, "some_category" ) & Contains( :Category_2, "some_other_category" )
Table_3 = Table_2 << Split(
Split By( :Col_1, :Col_2 ),
Split( :Col_3 ),
Group( :Col_4, :Category_1, :Category_2 ),
Output Table( "table_3" ),
Remaining Columns( Drop All ),
Sort by Column Property
What do you think? Thank you very much for your help so far and also for any additional comments you may have. In case I figure out what the issue is, I'll definitely post it here.