I am generate Variability Chart & snapshot of datatable that match to the particular test and stored into journal. At the same time i want to output "Variability Chart + Statistic Table" together as 1 png file. So far, i only able to export Variability chart as png file. I couldn't combine it both to output as 1 png file. Need some advise. Here attached my input table.

My Code
dt_final = Open( "data\FINAL.jmp" );
dt_stat = Open( "data\STAT.jmp" );
dt_stat << Clear Column Selection();
//dt_stat << Clear Select; // For demonstration purposes
//value ordering
dt_final:Temperature << Set Property( "Value Ordering", {"-40C", "-26C", "30C", "95C", "125C"} );
nw = New Window( "Reports",
hlb = H List Box(
lub = Lineup Box( N Col( 1 ),
//ob_trend = Outline Box("Boxplot")
obj_chart2 = dt_final << Variability Chart(
Y( :Name( "T2010;PinShort@CLK" ) ),
X( :Temperature, :Name( "Data-ID" ) ),
Connect Cell Means( 0 ),
Std Dev Chart( 0 ),
Show Box Plots( 1 ),
{"Variability Chart for T2010;PinShort@CLK"},
"Variability Chart",
{Row Legend(
Color( 1 ),
Color Theme( "JMP Default" ),
Marker( 0 ),
Marker Theme( "" ),
Continuous Scale( 0 ),
Reverse Scale( 0 ),
Excluded Rows( 0 )
obj_chart2 << Journal;
dt_stat << Select Where( :Tnum == 2010 & :Name == "PinShort@CLK" ) << Journal;
obj_chart2 << Save Picture( "png\T2010;PinShort@CLK.png", PNG );