I think formula evaluation takes some time,
a wait(0) would force JMP to finish until row selection is done (see script) and deletion can be done.
I would really encourage you to keep the string part as small as possible, as it is always error prone and difficult to read.
As well it is a great possiblity to use JMP Tables to figure out these kind of problems, and to write scripts for the community that everyone can run out of the box.
Edited: replaced "\C:\Program Files\JMP\JMPPRO\18\Samples\Data
Names Default To Here( 1 );
// date_deb = "to_date('01-Mar-2019', 'dd-mon-yyyy')";
date_str = "2008-06-19";
gbStr = Eval Insert("\[
dt1 = New SQL Query(
QueryName( "v_test_run" ),
"SELECT "t1".lot_id
FROM "public"."v_test_run" "t1"
WHERE ( ( ( "t1".test_run_timestamp >= ^date_deb^ ) ) ) ;"
) << Run foreground;
dt1_sql = Eval Insert(
"\[SELECT t1.Date, t1.State, t1."Flu Cases", t1.Region,
t1."Population (July 2009)"
FROM "Seasonal Flu" t1
WHERE ( ( ( t1.Date >= JMPDATE('^date_str^') ) ) ) ;]\"
dt1 = New SQL Query(
Version( 130 ),
Connection( "JMP" ),
JMP Tables( ["Seasonal Flu" => "$SAMPLE_DATA\Seasonal Flu.jmp"] ),
QueryName( "SQLQuery1" ),
CustomSQL( dt1_sql )
) << run;
// Write( gbstr );
// Eval( Parse( gbStr ) );
dt1 << New Column( "Rank", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Best", 12 ) );
dt1:Rank << set Formula( Col Rank( :DATE * -1, /* :ID */ :State) );
dt1 << Row Selection( select where( :Rank > 1 ) );
dt1 << delete rows;