In one paper (PMID: 29240540),Multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression models with restricted cubic splines (RCS) and adaptive splines were used to demonstrate the continuous relationship between patient age and papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) specific mortality,and the results were showed in the following figure
I do the same thing in JMP using the "Fit Proportional Hazards":
1.Select Analyze > Reliability and Survival > Fit Proportional Hazards.
2.Populate the Time to Event and Censor boxes with the appropriate columns.
3.Add age and tumor size to the construct model effects.
4.Click the red triangle next to "Attributes," and select Knotted Spline Effect . Type 3 knots , and click OK.
5.Click Run in the Model Specification dialog box.
6.Click the red triangle next to Proportional Hazards Fit, and select Risk Ratios
7.The results are showed in the following figure,but the output can not be obtained as the paper 
Therefore,I do the same thing in JMP using the "Fit Parametric Survival":
1.Select Analyze > Reliability and Survival > Fit Parametric Survival.
2.Populate the Time to Event and Censor boxes with the appropriate columns.
3.Add age and tumor size to the construct model effects.
4.Click the red triangle next to "Attributes," and select Knotted Spline Effect . Type 3 knots , and click OK.
5.Click Run in the Model Specification dialog box.
6.Click the red triangle next to Parametric Survival Fit, and select Save probability formula.Dose Fitted failure probalility just like Hazard Ratio(HR) in the Cox survival anlysis?
7.Click the red triangle next to Parametric Survival Fit, and select Distribution Profiler, Dose the output have the same meanings as the paper in the following figure