If I remember correctly using dt:"colname" (same as you would use As Column()) will get you direct access to current value of the current Row() of the column named "colname" in datatable with reference dt. To get a reference to column you can use Column(dt, "colname") as @Thierry_S said.
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = New Table("Untitled",
Add Rows(5),
Compress File When Saved(1),
New Column("Column Title/Name",
Set Values({"a1", "b2", "c3", "d4", ""})
For each row(dt,
col = dt:"Column Title/Name";
Row() = 1;
col = AsColumn(dt, "Column Title/Name");
col = Column(dt, "Column Title/Name");
I'm definitely not saying that JSL documentation is best, but it does have quite a bit of material (and great community and support with email). For starters these are good sources:
JMP15 - Scripting Guide
JMP Help
Scripting Index directly from JMP
If there is something missing or unclear in JMP Help or Scripting Index, I'm fairly sure JMP would be happy to improve them.