Version 7.0.2: 2 GB memory, Windows 7
I have a for loop (that loops twice for now). Within the for loop I open a database connection and query a get a returned table. The returned table is about 10 columns, 1.7M rows. I then save the table and close it, and then on to the next table. The issue is the memory is never released from the first table, so when fetching the records from the next loops query, I get a memory exception. Is there a way to permanently close the table and its memory from within the for loop? Thanks Chris.
Please see code snippet below:
myList = words(Munger(p["wafers"],z,","," ")); //puts wafer numbers into a list
N = N Items(myList); // counts the number of wafers in the list
for (i=1, i<=N, i++,
waf_id = myList[i];
waf_table = myList[i];
if(length(waf_id) > 0 , waf_id="('" || waf_id || "')" );
ls_sql = "SELECT * ";
ls_sql = ls_sql || " FROM WDBP.dbo.SF_QST ";
ls_sql = ls_sql || " WHERE WAFER_ID IN " || waf_id ;
show(ls_sql); // shows the SQL statement in the log
OpenDatabase("DSN=WDBP;UID=WDFREP;PWD=wdfrep;",ls_sql,waf_table); // queries the database
dt = data table(waf_table);
filename = waf_table||".jmp";
close(dt, save(filename));