I have one clarification question. Do I understand correctly that values in the parameter estimate table, such as p-value and coefficients are reported to be compared to the reference category? For instance, if I have three interaction Ad1*CBS, Ad2CBS and Ad3CBS, so the p-value in the parameter estimates table just shows that interaction Ad1*CBS is significantly different from the reference category Ad0CBS (which is not exposed on the parameter estimates level)? So if I recode by value ordering and get the values for my reference category, it does not say much more than this interaction is significantly different from the one that I set to 0 now?
If I want to understand, whether the CBS predicts the dependent variable within each of the categories, is that correct then that it is not enough to study the parameter estimates table and I need to run the dummy-coded interaction terms regression: http://www.restore.ac.uk/srme/www/fac/soc/wie/research-new/srme/modules/mod3/11/index.html ?
Sorry for my confusion, I usually work with categorical data and this case is still a bit puzzling me.
Thank you,