By default JMP doesn't provide nice ways to query the pseudo-namespaces directly (whether that's window, this, box, etc.,).
For classes, you might think about creating a wrapper for constructing classes -- that wrapper can then create the instance generator function, and during that instance generation, you can give the class a circular-reference (note that this can lead to memory leaks) -- ensure that you create a tracking system and provide / call a deleter method when the class should be deleted to remove the circular references and such.
Here's an example:
Names Default to Here( 1 );
New Namespace( "class" );
class:Get Init Args = Function( {_class},
{Default Local},
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( _class ), i++,
If( Head Name( Arg( _class, i ) ) == "Glue",
For( j = 1, j <= N Arg( Arg( _class, i ) ), j++,
If( As Name( Head Name( Arg( Arg( Arg( _class, i ), j ), 1 ) ) ) == As Name( "_create_" ),
Return( Arg( Arg( Arg( Arg( _class, i ), j ), 2 ), 1 ) )
Return( {} )
class:Define Class = Function( {_class},
{Default Local},
class = Expr( Define Class() );
Summation( i = 1, N Arg( _class ),
Insert Into( class, Arg( _class, i ) )
init args = class:Get Init Args( _class );
init redirects = Expr( __cl:_create_() );
Summation( i = 1, N Items( init args ),
If( Head Name( Arg( init args, i ) ) == "Assign",
Insert Into( init redirects, Eval Expr( Name Expr( Expr( Arg( Arg( init args, i ), 1 ) ) ) ) )
Insert Into( init redirects, Eval Expr( Name Expr( Expr( Arg( init args, i ) ) ) ) )
Eval( class );
ns = Namespace( "class" );
Eval( Substitute( Expr(
ns[__class__] = Function( __args__,
{__cl = New Object( __class__ )},
__cl:self = __cl;
Expr( __class__ ), Arg( _class, 1 ),
Expr( __args__ ), init args,
Expr( __class_call__ ), Name Expr( init redirects )
) );
class:Define Class({
_init_ = Method( {}, 1 );
_create_ = Method( {assocArray},
For Each( {{key, setter}, _}, assocArray,
self << Insert( key, Eval Expr( Method( {value}, self:TrySetProperty( Expr( key ), value, Expr( setter ) ) ) ) )
Try Set Property = Method( {parameter, value, expression If Changed},
Match( value,
., ., //Do nothing if missing value
self[parameter], . //Do nothing if unchanged value
self[paremeter] = value; //Otherwise update the value
Eval( expression If Changed ); //and eval the expression
show = Function( {name},
show( name )
//show( namespace( "class" ) );
cls = class:example( ["A" => expr( self:show( "EXPLETIVE" ) ), "B" => Expr( thing 2 )] );
show( cls << get keys );
Note though that JMP classes are just glorified namespaces with functions attached (namespaces where the attached functions are aware of what namespace they're in). You can do something quite similar with just regular namespaces and meta-programming. And with the regular namespaces JMP won't throw superfluous errors around about not being able to access class methods within functions and whatnot.