Hi @MedianPuppy4982,
I suggest you read the JMP Help section linked to your problem : Models with Linear Dependencies among Model Terms (jmp.com)
Your question is a very frequent one in the forum. You can check previously answered posts :
LostDFs for 2-Way Anova
I am receiving Lost DFs, Biased and Zeroed parameter estimate messages, what do they mean?
Basically, you should check the "Singularity" panel, you will see how linked/correlated might be some of the terms in your model.
- If some terms are completely correlated (confounded), then JMP is not able to differentiate them and use them independantly in the model, resulting in a "Zeroed" result.
- If some terms are correlated between each others, then their estimates are biased as they are not independant. This phenomenon is called multicollinearity, resulting in biased estimates and inflated confidence intervals.
- Finally, you may also have introduced more terms than the number of unique observations/experiments available, so this might create linear correlation between some terms that make them either impossible to estimate independently ("Zeroed" or empty), or difficult to estimate independantly ("Biased").
I hope this answer will help you,
EDIT: For "Unstable" terms, look at the estimates and standard deviations. There is a lack of data to precisely estimate those terms (and so many terms), resulting in a very large variance. Try refine your model or test other (more simple) models.
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)