I have several folders and inside each folder there are several CSV files. Each CSV file has around 500,000 rows. I use a JSL script to concatenate all csv files inside each folder into one JMP table. This process is repeated on each folder and hence in the end there are as many concatenated JMP tables as the no of folders. But it takes a lot of time.
I searched for parallel programming in JSL and came to know about Parallel Assign. I need some guidance on how to put the script below inside Parallel Assign to speed up the concatenation. I will greatly appreciate it.
path = munger(Pick Directory( "Browse to the Directory of the .txt / .csv files " ),1,"/","");
folderlist = dirList(path);
//prefolderlist = Files In Directory( path );
//filepath = Convert File Path(path, Windows )
For( j2 = 1, count >= j2, j2++,
folderpath= path || folderlist[j2] || "/" ;
prefilelist = Files In Directory( folderpath );
filelist = {};
//filter out any non-txt or csv files
For( i2 = 1, n2 >= i2, i2++,
If( Item( 2, prefilelist[i2], "." ) == "txt" | Item( 2, prefilelist[i2], "." ) == "csv",
Insert Into( filelist,file),
nf=nitems(filelist); //number of items in the working list
cctable= New Table( "Combined data table ");//make an empty table
cctable<<New Column( "Source", Character, Nominal );
For( iii = 1 , iii <= nf, iii++, //this starts the first loop
filenow = ( filelist[iii] );
dt=open(fileopen,importset,private);//Import settings used in the open argument
New Column( "Source", Character, Nominal );
:Source << set each value( filenow );
//dt<<new column("Source", character, nominal)<<set each value(9999);
dt << Run Formulas();
//add the current table to the bottom of the combined data table
cctable << Concatenate( Data Table( dt ), Append to first table );
//don't use "Create Source Column" argument
Close( dt, NoSave );//after concatenating the table, close it and move on
);//end of the first for loop