I have a column of continuous y-data that I want to graph against an x-axis (time, in this case). There is also a grouping column that distinguishes the y-data into several groups.
I want an easy way to automate production of a series of graphs, each of which shows the results for a single group overlayed on the results of the aggregate (ungrouped) data. So, let's say there are 10 groups. I'd like to produce 10 graphs. Graph #1 would show the aggregate data overlaid on Group 1's data; graph #2 would show show the aggregate data overlaid on Group 2's data; and so on.
In each graph, I'd like to distinguish the grouped data by using a different color from the aggregate data, and I'd also like to include linear fit in appropriate color to the group data and to the aggregate data.
What's the best way to do this (by hand or via JSL; using graph builder or overlay plot; etc.)?