Hello, I met a problem that confused me so much.
When I open a .jrp file using Open() function, nothing is returned.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
rp = Open("<PATH-TO-FILE>\RxOsnrTol-01-Distribution-By(Temperature).jrp");
Then in the log window, I got:
{Distribution[], Distribution[], Distribution[]}
rp = .;
By the way, the .jrp file is opened and displays normally. It seems that the only problem is the return value is missing.
The .jrp file is saved earlier with embeded data table.
I'm sure that I used the same code several days ago on some other jrp file, the Open() function returns an object. So I'm able to save its picture.
So I'm confused.
JMP Version: 16.2
If any further information or attachment is needed, please tell me.
Thank you very much.
===== Update =====
I attached a very simple example which shows the same problem.
For me, the log shows:
Open(".\abc.jrp") = ␀;