I have a JSL script (JMP 9) that works on csv files in a directory. The script works fine if its in the same directory as the csv files. It gives a 'unable to open file' error if its not in the same directory as the csv files. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
Preview Text Error: Unable to open file.
Import Text: Unable to determine delimiters.
Tried to open: /M:/OV9760/xyz.csv
Cannot open table in access or evaluation of 'Open' , Open( files1 )
In the following script, error marked by /*###*/
dir1 = Pick Directory( "Select the folder where csv files are located" );
openDTs = {};
files1 = Files In Directory( dir1 );
start = Tick Seconds();
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( files1 ), i++,
If( Ends With( files1, ".csv" ),
dt1 = Current Data Table();