Here is a complete program that returns a value based upon a statistic result from a transformed set of data. I hope this help
Names Default to Here(1);
dt=New Table( "Test",
Add Rows( 100 ),
New Column("PNP3",
Format( "Best", 10 ),
Set Values(
[130.378809500886, 132.736937590235, 136.831952164704, 136.969154239163,
136.622623419893, 137.480356512481, 138.094011176166, 142.10586919757,
134.750041237898, 129.719685093372, 136.520172900026, 134.778624216716,
136.991131754497, 140.420940666186, 143.257827228986, 132.213765487819,
144.671172276421, 134.703176752174, 136.744212473486, 137.187637284245,
139.788226018039, 139.372617199359, 136.112484488985, 142.809097034809,
137.799370430979, 138.482493403385, 135.236982575217, 136.251777781494,
130.768356509183, 138.248554728086, 139.77894292052, 134.25405167366,
147.680687116943, 131.351711991517, 132.84274608728, 129.925216236015,
133.47206414316, 143.339607103893, 145.341236691691, 139.200187547183,
142.775409342827, 140.276696563388, 130.623979847275, 140.899814366103,
136.839389290019, 137.239125319, 133.5265281641, 139.356927352471,
130.278640163464, 144.604061001983, 135.286715550332, 134.465744849174,
131.37612790407, 131.830655714309, 140.69724979219, 142.88152043774,
135.253839945611, 127.349434776131, 129.499730399113, 128.447533754611,
130.916853702805, 134.599575929218, 140.761701916093, 136.870661473033,
138.253066182015, 140.403627077024, 134.522643679098, 124.842978178703,
131.803059455053, 125.886786494664, 133.013566701611, 136.940299158936,
133.263913979648, 144.695171321015, 149.541020434399, 144.503845528521,
136.086324063453, 139.530943158798, 138.421460162451, 133.180943784947,
142.166796633818, 142.676541730822, 135.723943440339, 143.957996114985,
145.712158558794, 138.38937502716, 140.535304753392, 142.140619481175,
131.379414509756, 144.949299702964, 133.349854687882, 139.470639804255,
140.160558367008, 137.130662662612, 145.692632562344, 131.870848869966,
136.391733804566, 134.219740661271, 139.021827550389, 147.958038547157]
New Column( "Johnson Sl Transform PNP3",
Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Property( "Notes", "Fitted Johnson Sl" ),
(Log( (:PNP3 - 44.6529505888426) / 1 ) * 15.3554291860315 + (
-69.5611150866502)) * 1
/* */
/* The getformula column retrieves the formula from the translation */
/* column and replaces the Original Column name in the formula with */
/* string "__value__". The value of this variable is what will be */
/* evaluated in the successive approximations done by the script. */
/* */
getformula = Function( {ColName, FormulaColName},
{ColName, FormulaColName, TheFormula, coloncolname},
//__value__ = .;
// Get the transformed data columns formula as a literal string
TheFormula=Column( FormulaColName ) << Get Formula ;
// Check to see that a formula was found
If( Is Empty( TheFormula ) == 1 ,
" The column specified as",
"the Transformed Column does",
" not contain a formula. ",
" ",
" Please rerun and select",
" the correct column"
TheFormula=char( Column( FormulaColName ) << Get Formula );
// Get the actual name of the orignal column since
// the upper,lower case and spacing is critical in determining
// where in the formula the column name actually occurs
ColName = Column( ColName ) << Get Name;
// Determine if the reference to the column name in the
// formula is a simple :colname reference or a complex
// reference :Name(\!"colname\!")
// If the column name isn't found set the return code to -1
Contains( TheFormula, ":" || ColName ), ColonColName = ":" || ColName, // Else
Contains( TheFormula, ":Name(\!"" || ColName || "\!")" ), ColonColName = ":Name(\!"" || ColName || "\!")", // Else
rc = -1
// Replace all of the column references in the formula with
// the string "(__value__)" so that when the formula is
// evaluated later, it will take the then value of the memory
// variable called __value__ and use it in the formula
If( Contains( TheFormula, ColonColName ) > 0,
While( Contains( TheFormula, ColonColName ) > 0, TheFormula = Munger( TheFormula, 1, ColonColName, "(__Value__)" ) ),
" The column specified as",
"the Transformed Column does",
" not contain a reference",
" to the original column.",
" in it's formula.",
" ",
" Please rerun and select",
" the correct column"
/* */
/* The gettrans function evaluates the formula in the transformed */
/* and converts the formula into a generic form for repeated use in */
/* running of the script. */
/* */
gettrans = Function( {ColName, FormulaColName, TheTarget, Theformula},
//colname="PNP3";formulacolname="Johnson Sl Transform PNP3"; Thetarget=johnsonmean;theformula=myformula;
{ColName, FormulaColName, TheFormula, High, Low, TheTarget, TheMax, Themin, __value__},
// The program uses successive approximations to determine the different
// parametrics. The way it works is that it calculates the needed parameter
// such as Mean, or Standard Deviation, and then by using successive
// approximations from the original column's values, and passing those
// values through the columns formula, when the approximation value matches
// the calculated value from the transformed column, the retransformed value
// has been found
// Set the extreem values
High = Col Maximum( If( Excluded( Row State( Empty() ) ) == 0, Column( ColName ), . ) );
Low = Col Minimum( If( Excluded( Row State( Empty() ) ) == 0, Column( ColName ), . ) );
// Make a guess at the first value
__value__ = Mean( High, Low );
// Iterate the guessing for up to 100 times, adjusting by 1/2 on each loop
For( i = 1, i <= 100, i++,
TheResult = Eval( Parse( theformula ) );
TheResult > TheTarget, High = __value__,
TheResult < TheTarget, Low = __value__,
If( High == Low, Break() );
__value__ = Mean( High, Low );
__value__; // Expose the return value
); // End of function gettrans
myFormula = getformula( "PNP3","Johnson Sl Transform PNP3" );
JohnsonMean = Col Mean(dt:Johnson Sl Transform PNP3);
show(JohnsonMean,colMean(:PNP3),Gettrans("PNP3","Johnson Sl Transform PNP3",JohnsonMean,myFormula));