Hi All,
I am relatively new to JMP and have created a Neural Network model that fits pretty well. I am trying to implement the output (model) in excel. I exported the SAS script and currently I am trying to convert the formula in the script to excel. The following formula in the script is tripping me.
H1 = tanh(.5*(-1.31215248048067*((ENGINE_MODEL="XXX")-(ENGINE_MODEL="YYY")) + -0.0627257389428689*......
Engine_Model is a binary input to the model (can be XXX (0) or YYY(1)).
I need soem help in interpreting the term (ENGINE_MODEL="XXX")-(ENGINE_MODEL="YYY"). Does it simply mean that it is difference between the value of ENGINE_MODEL="XXX" and ENGINE_MODEL="YYY"? In that case it is just a constant number. Also the calculated value of H1 in excel and JMP do not match with that assumption.
Any help is appreciated.