So I have a script that is creating YbyX plots, doing a Tukey T-Test, then creating a combined dt with the p-Values, then selecting and excluding based on the p-Value.
I currently have it embedded inside a dt << New Script() function to save it to the source data table.
I'm not sure what is going on but when I get to the section to select the p-Values, I get this error:
dt1 << select where("p-Value"n > 0.05);
Name Unresolved: p-Value at row 1 in access or evaluation of 'p-Value' , "p-Value"n /*###*/
The weird thing is that when I copy this to a blank, new script window and run this manually, it works. I'm not sure what is going on or why. Any ideas?
//need to force it to use a certain file name AND force SPC script to label dt appropriately
dtSPC = current data table();
dtSPC << set name( "SPC Data");
/*plotting a basic Fit YbyX just to get pValues. Formatting and style done on final plot*/
ow1 = Oneway(
Y( :MEAN ),
//All pairs Tukey HSD test
All Pairs(
Confidence Quantile( 0 ),
Difference Matrix( 0 ),
LSD Threshold Matrix( 0 ),
Connecting Letters Report( 0 ),
Ordered Differences Report( 1 )
//x-axis formatting
{Label Row(
{Label Orientation( "Angled" ), Lower Frame( 1 ),
Show Major Grid( 1 ), Tick Mark Style( "Long Divider" )}
//row legend by chamber
"Oneway Plot",
{Marker Size( 6 ), Marker Drawing Mode( "Normal" ),
Row Legend(
Color( 1 ),
Color Theme( "JMP Default" ),
Marker( 0 ),
Marker Theme( "" ),
Continuous Scale( 0 ),
Reverse Scale( 0 ),
Excluded Rows( 0 )
// Create the combined data table of Summary Statistics
dt1 = Report( ow1[1] )["Means Comparisons", "Comparisons for all pairs using Tukey-Kramer HSD","Ordered Differences Report"][Table Box( 1 )] << Make Combined Data Table;
dt1 = current data table();
dt1 << set name( "pValue PairWise by Channel Tukey");
dt1:Chart_ID << Data type( Numeric ) << Set Modeling Type( Nominal );
//Screen and show only the Channel_ID's w/ a Tukey pair pVal<0.05
//exclude all high pVal rows, leaving only low pVal Channels. Does not work in reverse.
dt1 << select where("p-Value"n > 0.05);
dt1 << exclude;
dt1 << clear select;
//create a list of remaining Unique Chart_ID
summarize(dt1, uniqueVals=by(:Chart_ID));
//Convert to numeric
For( i = 1, i <= N Items(uniqueVals ), i++,
uniqueVals[i] = Num(uniqueVals[i] )
//extra, just to look at the data
//dtUnique = New Table( "uniqueVals less 0.05");
//dtUnique << New Column( "Chart_ID", Values(uniqueVals));
//select on SPC source data just the channels w/ low pVals
//need to choose SPC data table
dtSPC << clear select;
dtSPC << select where( contains( uniqueVals, :Chart_ID));
//invert and exclude, leaving only low pVal Chart_ID's
dtSPC << invert row selection << exclude;
dtSPC << clear select;
//close old stuff
ow1 << close window;